Data Protection
All images are copyrighted and cannot be used without the consent of Janine Jakob.
Content and liability:
My website has been created with the utmost care. Even though I assume that the information presented is correct, it can nevertheless contain mistakes or inaccuracies. Therefore, I present the information without any warranty. In particular, I cannot be held liable for its completeness, correctness, quality or timeliness. I explicitly reserve the right, without prior notice, to take the content of the website offline for a restricted or sustained amount of time, to alter it completely or in part, to delete it or change it in any other shape or form. Thank you for your understanding.
I would like to inform you that I neither monitor websites linked to my site nor am I responsible for the content. To the extent of my website linking to a third party's website, I expressly declare that no illegal content is published on such a website to the best of my knowledge. However, I cannot influence future composition of said website. I expressly do not adopt any such content. Only the carrier of third-party sides is liable for damages that result from incorrect or illegal content of said sites.